It's wonderful news that the International Salento Film Festival has selected Told In Pictures' music video Never Stop (Live Version) to take part in its Official Selection at its upcoming 14th edition of the Festival in Salento, Italy! I am really looking forward to taking part in this well known European independent film festival in Southern Italy and want to thank the festival for this great honour!

The video screens in the Music Video Competition on Tuesday 5th September 2017 at 8.30pm at the Palazzo Gallone; Scuderie in Tricase

'About Never Stop and Jim': Italian

“Never Stop (Live Version) è la colonna sonora ufficiale del video promozionale di JIM, la storia d’amore transatlantica ambientata sullo sfondo del rock ‘n roll degli anni ’60, creata per la radio”. Never Stop è la colonna sonora del video promozionale di “Jim”, uno sceneggiato radiofonico di Josephine Halbert. Il video, prodotto e diretto ne 2016 da Josephine, comprende immagini della registrazione originale della versione live del brano Never Stop, scritto ed eseguito nel video dal cantante/cantautore Jonty Balls, del gruppo Desert MountainTribe. Si tratta di “una classica canzone d’amore” che la regista Josephine ha richiesto per lo sceneggiato, con l’intento di creare un brano senza tempo che il personaggio principale dell’opera Jim, un musicista, scrive per l’eroina della storia. Il video comprende inoltre delle scene drammatizzate ispirate alla storia di Jim, in cui gli attori Charlotte Quita Jones e Cesare Taurasi recitano i ruoli principali dello sceneggiato radiofonico. L’opera, JIM, racconta di una storia d’amore all’insegna del rock ‘n roll, ambientata sullo sfondo del movimento culturale psichedelico del 1968 tra un noto musicista americano e un’aspirante scrittrice inglese.

Jim è la “storia della musa” narrata dall’eroina della storia, Laura, esegue la relazione lungo una serie di suoi ricordi dei loro incontri in California, a Londra e a Copenhagen mentre Jim sta facendo un tour europeo estivo con il suo gruppo all’apice della loro fama. È una storia sul mistero e l’avventura di essere giovani e innamorarsi, e di come tale risveglio emotivo non ci abbandona mai una volta trovatici"

'About Never Stop and Jim': English

Never Stop (Live Version) is the promotional soundtrack video for ‘JIM’, a play created for radio, written and produced by the Director, Josephine Halbert.

JIM tells the story of a transatlantic romance between a well known American musician and aspiring English writer set against the backdrop of the psychedelic counter cultural scene of the late 1960s.

It is a fictional story about youth, love and destiny, set in a different time. It is the ‘muse’s story’, told to us by the point of view of the lover of a famous rock star, Jim, who has grown tired of the trappings of his meteoric fame and success.

We follow their story through a series of Laura's memories of their meetings in California, London and Copenhagen when Jim and his band were on a European tour at the height of their fame.

But it’s theme is timeless, about the mystery and adventure of being young and in love and the experience of these early emotional awakenings. 

The music video features footage of the original live recording of the song performed by singer/songwriter Jonty Balls of Desert Mountain Tribe, the band who Josephine commissioned to write the ‘Jim’ soundtrack. It was filmed in a village church near the recording studio in Oxon, England, 2014. The brief for this song, a winner of a Global Music Award in March 2017, was to write a classic, timeless song that the hero writes for the heroine in the story. The video also features dramatised scenes from the love story and stars the actors Charlotte Quita Jones (A SHORT EPIC ABOUT LOVE) and Cesare Taurasi (A.D., THE MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E., THE BORGIAS, A SHORT EPIC ABOUT LOVE, PAPADOPOULOS AND SONS). 


You can now listen to 'Jim', the radio drama on PRX : Please find the link below:

You can download the Jim Soundtrack EP with original music by Desert Mountain Tribe and Arthur Young here on the Jim Music Page on this website below:-